We deliver mesages from religious leaders of RfP Japan.


2024.02.25 Reflection on The 2nd Tokyo Round Table
2023.08.18 Message of Sympathy for the Major Wildfires on the Island of Maui, Hawaii
2021.01.06 “Agenda 2030” for More Global Cooperation Revealed WCRP/RfP Japan Celebrated its Golden Jubilee in Kyoto
2020.10.16 Remark by the Chair of RfP Japan on the 50th anniversary
2019.11.28 Changes and Trends I witnessed at the 10th World Assembly
2019.01.01 Message of President
2019.01.01 Message of Chair


2024.06.21 WCRP/RfP Japan Selected Ven. Gijun Sugitani as the New President
2023.01.06 WCRP selected Rev. Tomatsu of the Jodo Shu Buddhist as the new Chair
2021.08.10 Help WCRP/RfP Japan Send Donations to People of Myanmar
2021.07.13 WCRP/RfP Japan to Host ACRP GA Online in October
2021.07.13 WCRP Jubilee Ceremony in Kyoto
2020.10.06 ACRP Tokyo Assembly Postponed to 2021
2020.05.08Join Us on Wednesdays for Interfaith Prayer on the Internet

Statements/ Appeals

2024.02.22 Statement(Beyond War and Towards Reconciliation: Multi-Religious Peace Roundtables)
2023.05.15 From WCRP/RfP Japan to PM Kishida- A Recommendations for Hiroshima G7
2023.02.08 Emergency Appeal for An Emergency Relief Aid to Turkey and Syria
2022.03.02 Statement on the Situation in Ukraine
2021.03.11On the Tenth Anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami
2021.02.04 Statement concerning the situation in Myanmar by RfP Japan
2020.10.25 Statement welcoming the ratification of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons
2020.04.27Joint Statement by RfP Japan and PNND Japan
2019.06.25Appeals from RfP Japan to Lindau Declaration